Criminal Law
Regular people can find themselves charged with crimes, and that doesn’t make them bad people. Sometimes people are charged with something minor like assault, theft, possession, or malicious destruction of property, and other times its serious felonies like murder, sex offense, distribution, and child pornography.
Most people don't know that criminal cases can begin in a variety of different ways. While the most common start of a criminal case is being arrested and being brought before a Commissioner or District Court judge at a bail hearing, there are other times when people are simply served with a criminal summons to appear in Court. Being arrested by law enforcement is always upsetting, but many clients are also confused and anxious when they receive a summons to appear in Court.
For the more serious crimes, people are usually indicted via a Grand Jury by State or Federal prosecutors, which is a closed-door proceeding, kept confidential until the individual is served with the indictment. The attorneys at the Law Office of Alan L. Winik, LLC are here to answer your questions from the moment you are contacted by law enforcement, whether its an arrest, summons, or an indictment.
Regardless of how the case begins or the severity of the crime, if you have been charged with a crime, it is important that you consult with an attorney. We are here to answer your questions and explain the process: making bond, what to expect at your first court date, what probation conditions may be, and - most importantly - whether or not you should expect to go to jail.
Alan is here to protect your rights. He will demand discovery from the State's Attorney's Office, assert your rights to a speedy trial, subpoena any collateral witnesses to appear in Court, and demand that he confront the accused. We are attorneys in your corner.
If you have been charged or if you have been contacted by law enforcement, contact us immediately.