No one gets married planning to get divorced. Whether you are deciding to get a divorce or your spouse wants to separate, the attorneys at the Law Office of Alan L. Winik, LLC understand that their clients are at an incredibly difficult place in their lives.
We also know that divorces can range from the simple to the complex. Some cases do not involve children. Some cases the parties have only been married for a short while and they don’t have property to divide. On the other hand, some cases involve people who have been married for a long time, have raised children together, and one party may be entitled to the financial support of the other.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of “stuff” on the internet that is confusing at best. However, the process to get divorce is complicated. You need a lawyer who can explain to you what needs to be done to get divorced and to answer your questions. These are nuanced legal issues that you should not trust Google for the answer.
While divorce law may not seem serious to the people who are not involved, Alan understands that it is serious for our clients. Not only do we understand what these cases mean to our clients, we understand the law and practice it every day. We are trial attorneys, and we are in your corner.
If you are considering separating from your spouse, or if your spouse has served you with paperwork, contact us immediately.