Restraining Orders
People often refer to Peace Orders and Protective Orders as "Restraining Orders", but the technical term in Maryland is either a Peace Order (if you are not related to the person) or a Protective Order (if you are related by blood, marriage, or have had a relationship with the other person).
Peace Orders are typically used in cases of quarreling neighbors, and can limit contact between people. Protective Orders on the other hand can also grant use and possession of a family home, can establish custody, and can order financial support for the Petitioner. Final Protective Order hearings are usually heard 7-10 days after the Temporary Protective Order and they can be in effect for up to one year. So not only are these Orders put into place quickly but they can have long lasting effects. Because of this, other lawyers avoid the pressure of these cases, but Alan and Carin rise to the challenge and can be in your corner.
Additionally, there are collateral consequences once an Order is in place, so you need to be made aware of your rights and options. The attorneys at the Law Office of Alan L. Winik, LLC represent both petitioners and respondents in these kinds of cases, and can advise you in any situation you are in.
If you are in need of a Peace or Protective Order, or if you have been served with a Petition, contact us immediately.